a n d t h e n . . . . .

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Some people just love to confront others
Some people don’t
For example…

Maybe that’s why I always always ALWAYS got involved with jerks who just looove lying so much

Maybe that’s why I often keep my mouth shut when people do bad things and being unfair to me [and it has made me feel even worse]

Maybe that’s why I always feel like there’s this huge huge HUGE bomb in my head, in my heart, that can blow up just about … anytime

Maybe that’s why I feel so bad right now…

He said, “ Kamu harus bisa ngomong, kamu harus belajar buat ‘marah’, kamu harus bisa ngeluarin perasaan kamu sendiri… klo kamu tahan2 terus, ntar malah jadi tambah sebel dan itu gak nyelesain masalah…!”

O yeah! You’re so damn right, honey! Like you care…!!!

I can’t confront people
I hate confronting people.
Sometimes, I feel it so useless…
No point!
Because they HAVE NO HEART!!
I believe that they DO KNOW that they have hurt one’s feeling
But… NO! They don’t give a damn about it!
Why?? Because they’re TOO BUSY with their own ego!!!

But he got the point.
I have to do something about it, otherwise it never gets better.
I don’t do this to make them care about others.
I have to do something to deal with my anger,
with my problems,
instead of running from it.

Because for some wounds, for some achy breaky heart, for some hurt feelings, time may not be the best healing therapy.